(Again click the pictures bigger! )

We're already in the middle of the week! And I'm really excited about the coming weekend, because I'll be going to Tampere and on 8th and 9th day there will be Tracon VII at Tampere-Talo! It's going to be so awesome!  I promise to take some interesting photos from there. ;) Oh and I will be cosplaying.
It's still pretty warm and the sun is shining, but not on the mornings. And it's really annoying when it can rain heavily for a whole day. But today we were in the presence of the Sun! 

Some puddles and dead leaves. :D

The shortcut goes through a churchyard and there are birch and mapples along the road near it. Birch leaves have already lost their bright green colour.

crane  on the sky  

This city is a mess because of the continuous constructing of the roads and the marketplace. The road to school changes almost daily! 

All the photos by me, protoTyyppi-E